Fatty's Smalls: One of the Best Flower Deals in Michigan?
By Gas & Middies

Today we’re covering, what I believe to be one of the best deals for dispensary flower, in Michigan: Fatty’s Smalls.
There are however some caveats, which I’ll cover in detail below.
🎵 Rolling Fatty’s, smoking blunts. Who smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts! 🎵
Fatty’s is a white label brand. That is, they package product grown by other cultivators into their own brand.
They are well know for their preroll game with a massive selection, at decent prices. They even use GT Rolling Co. to roll their premium donuts.
They are also apparently REALLY into fingerboards
Fatty’s is owned by Shango.
Making Shango dispensaries the best place to buy Fatty’s products.
You can learn more about them on their Instagram.
Fatty’s Smalls
Aside from prerolls, Fatty’s also has flower in the form of: Fatty’s Smalls.
This is small bud flower, coming in eighth or quarter quantities.
As Fatty’s is a white label brand, this flower can come from a handful of possible cultivators.
These include:
- Tango Jack
- Zenith Ventures Lansing, LLC
I’ll go over each of these culivators and strains they have supplied in the past below:

SBCMI, LLC registered to Adnan Shango, which you guessed it, owns Shango dispensaries.
This seems to be the main source of product for Fatty’s Smalls.
The quality is not bad, but not nearly as good as one of the other sources below.
I’ve gotten the following Fatty’s Smalls strains produced by SBCMI, LLC:
Cherry Runtz / White Cherry Gelato

Lemon Popperz / Gelonade

Other Strains
Strains from SBCMI, LLC I’ve had before (with no pictures) include:
- Gelato 2.0
Tango Jack

Tango Jack are known for their surreal packaging and tropical flavors.
Their best strain is their signature strain: Tango Jack in my opinion.
I would put their grow quality a notch above SBCMI, LLC.
I’ve gotten the following Fatty’s Smalls strains produced by Tango Jack:
Tango Jack (Signature Strain)

Other Strains
Strains from Tango Jack I’ve had before (with no pictures) include:
- Wet Betty
Zenith Ventures Lansing, LLC

This is the cultivator we are looking for!
Zenith Ventures Lansing, LLC is run out of Lansing, Michigan (duh!).
They produce the flower for some of the most hyped brands in Michigan including:
- Super Dope x Fear of Boof x Hi Tech
- Doja
These are some of the few $60 eighths that may actually be worth the ticket.
Apart from this, little else is known about this particular cultivator.
What I do know, is that they grow some quality product but at a price that puts some people off.
I’ve gotten the following Fatty’s Smalls strains produced by Zenith Ventures Lansing, LLC:
Gelato 2.0

Lemon Cherry Gelato


White Cherry Runtz / White Cherry Gelato

Other Strains
Strains from Zenith Ventures Lansing, LLC I’ve had before (with no pictures) include:
- Lemon Popperz / Gelonade
The Best Deal
So how do you get the best deal?
As we noted earlier, Fatty’s Smalls come in eighths and quarters. But you get quite the discount for buying a quarter over an eighth:
- 1/8 ($30)
- 1/4 ($45)
We also know that Fatty’s Smalls can come from multiple sources, but arguably the best is: Zenith Ventures Lansing, LLC.
For example if we were to buy Super Dope x Fear of Boof x Hi Tech - Lemon Popperz this would retail for $60/eighth.
However, if I were to buy Fatty’s Smalls - Lemon Popperz / Gelonade produced by Zenith, and got a quarter, this would run me $22.50/eighth.
This would get you the same strain, from the same grower, at almost 1/3 the cost of retail!
The trick is actually finding the strains grown by Zenith.
As you can see in my examples above, sometimes different cultivators grow the same strains. So you can’t rely too heavily on strain names to differentiate.
If you noticed both SBCMI & Zenith have BOTH produced Lemon Popperz / Gelonade & Gelato 2.0.
Gelato 2.0 from Zenith was one of my favorite budget strains, but if produced by SBCMI, you can taste the decrease in quality.
Also, some batches have two different strains on the label, adding to the confusion. For instance: Cherry Runtz & White Cherry Gelato and Lemon Popperz & Gelonade.
We can see Fatty’s plays a little loosey goosey with the strain names.
Your best bet, is to ask your budtender which Fatty’s Smalls batches are produced by Zenith.
Using Shango, Hazel Park as an example, you can see their current stock of Fatty’s Smalls HERE.
Right now, White Cherry Gelato is produced by Zenith. The others, you would have to ask your budtender to confirm.
The only other tip I can give you, is that a lot of Zenith batches tend to be of the gelato variety.
TLDR: Buy Fatty’s Smalls in quarter ounces produced by Zenith, for the best bang for your buck!
Let me know if you guys have any further information about which Fatty’s Smalls strains are grown by which cultivators.
I’ll gladly add them to the list for reference.
What do you guys think? Is it a good deal?
Stay 😶🌫️