High Times Cannabis Cup Michigan 2023: AU Non-Distillate Vape Pens & Cartridges Review: North Coast - The Glaze
By Gas & Middies
North Coast - The Glaze

- THC: 77.70%
- CBD: 0.08%
- Total Cannabinoids: 84.99%
- Produced by: House Brands Distro, (AU-P-000205)
- Produced Date: ?
- Tested by: Infinite Chem. Analysis Labs MI, LLC (AU-SC-000101)
- Test Date: 02/15/2023
- Total: 47.92 mg/g
- Myrcene: 14.91 mg/g
- Limonene: 14.90 mg/g
- Linalool: 7.50 mg/g
👁️ Look
✋ Touch (Hardware)
👅 Taste
- Dank strawberries